Wednesday 2 May 2012

Evaluation Qs 1 to 6

Evaluation Question 7. (Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?)

  Our preliminary task was more amateur in the sense that we were unsure about what we were doing, lacking the skills needed to create a piece of media text. Although, this being said, our preliminary task was something of a learning curve in itself as we somewhat developed the skills needed as we went along whereas with our film opening we already had some basic skills and we planned it out more effectively, using storyboards, an animatic and shooting script therefore knew what we were doing. We also had to look at the weather so all scenery was consistent within our opening to try and keep continuity, so firstly, we improved on the whole planning process, we kept as close to our original script as possible but there were slight alterations we had to make due to elements outside our control (e.g unable to get hold of actors who we were originally using, although we could look at weather forecast it happened to snow on the first weekend we planned to film so we had to reschedule).